Control Virtual Faders with Midi-in


2008-05-13 23:35:47

I got a program for dmx-lightning and i want to control it with a midicontroller
like the midibox64 (!

The problem is the program do not support any midicontrol!

There are many faders on the screen and they get controlled with my touchscreen!

Is it possible to use miditranslator for this problem?

I thought i can say to miditranslator fader 1 is from 10x10 to 10x110 pixels
and the translator shoult control this fader with mouse-emulation by midi-in!

But i don´t know how i can loose this problem!

Is it possible to loose this problem with miditranslator?
If yes I would bye it!

Would be great when someone can help me!

Dear Gody


2008-05-13 23:44:54

The mouse movement and click emulation capabilities of MIDI Translator PRO should allow you to do this...


2008-05-14 09:32:11

Yes i thougt so but i don´t know how!

I thougt i have to set the mouseposition on the left point of the fader,
after this i have to move the mouseposition to the right if the program
get´s the midisignal!

I also have to give the fader a way how much he has to move!How can
i do this?


2008-05-14 17:53:41

godysseus wrote:Yes i thougt so but i don´t know how!

I thougt i have to set the mouseposition on the left point of the fader,
after this i have to move the mouseposition to the right if the program
get´s the midisignal!

I also have to give the fader a way how much he has to move!How can
i do this?
You must think like you would moving a mouse. First you have to place the mouse cursor over the fader that you want to move. Then you have to have MT press the mouse button and hold. After that, you have to move the mouse cursor down or up according to your MIDI controller fader movements. Then when you're done moving it, release the mouse button...

So your series of events should look something like this;

Code: Select all

Fader 1 Movement
1.  Position Mouse Cursor to last known on-screen fader position
2.  Send a 'Mouse Button Click Only Down' event
3.  Move the mouse position to the new value in reference to the MIDI fader
4.  Send a 'Mouse Button Click Only Up' event
It could be a difficult thing to set up, but it's definitely possible. I'd be more than happy to help you with it tho.

Joe :mrgreen:


2008-05-18 23:27:41

doesn´t work!

When i set a new present and give him as incomeming present a keystroke
1 and as the outgoing massage put mouseposit. absolut to 10x10 he so it!
But after this action he even don´t continue with the actions!
When i say to him in the 2nd line click with left button he don´t do it!

Here is a screenshot of the program!


Is there any bigger help manual as in the programm?

Dear George