Rolls Midibuddy only sends Control Changes, not Midi Notes


2008-10-08 22:14:59


I was happily looping in Live 7 w/ Midi Translator and an FCB 1010 pedal. I just replaced that pedal with the much smaller/lighter Rolls Midibuddy which, oops, doesn't send Midi notes.

Can Midi translator interpret those control changes?

If so, how does one go about reading them in?

Here's the 1 page manual on the Midibuddy: ... 701180.pdf


Bradley Fish


2008-10-09 12:10:41

P.S. My MOTU traveller I/O unit shows a MIDI in light every time when I hit the footpedal, but Live's MIDI light does not light up. This makes sense because Live can only understand Midi notes like "1/B-2" which this pedal doesn't send. Can Midi translator translate the pedal output into midi notes so Live can understand them?

Also, how should I have the I/O ports set up for MT?

Thanks soooo much!!!


2008-10-09 17:17:57

the manual says it sends program change messages.

just select your footpedal in MTs midi in, then in the translator tick 'capture midi'

program change messages will only be sent when you press the buttons, unlike midi notes, which send a midi message when pressed and also when released.


2008-10-09 17:44:33 I am doing that - assigned to MIDI port (MOTU) in...

but no MIDI messages show up when I press. Also Bome's does not regester MIDI in like it did w/ my FCB1010 pedal.

Any idea what might be wrong here?



2008-10-09 21:07:34


make sure that the MOTU is not opened in other apps. Then make sure that Midi Translator really opened the port (check back in the menu). Also make sure that you connect MIDI OUT to MIDI IN and vice versa.

Once the MIDI connection works. you can create translators of the type
IN: C0 01
OUT: 90 41 7F 90 41 00

That will create a translator that reacts on a program change message (on program 01) and sends out a Note On message on note 41 (hex, 65 dec), followed immediately by the corresponding Note Off message. Of course you can also do a catch-all mapping like

IN: C0 pp
OUT: 90 pp 7F 90 pp 00

to send note on/off for all programm changes on the corresponding note number (i.e. note number=program number).

Or, with MT Pro, you can use the latter translator entry and do dynamic mappings with rules, by modifying the pp variable.

Hope that helps!


2008-10-10 00:32:42

Thanks Florian for your quick reply.

I closed all applications associated w/ the MOTU, even Live.

Still, I see the MIDI in light up in my MOTU, but not in MT.

When I hit other MIDI devices, the MIDI in light for MT lights up as it should...

Any other ideas to get past this?



2008-10-10 00:56:10

On a whim, I switched the PROGRAM CHANGE/SONG SELECT (DIP switch # 5) Switch on the rolls and now we're getting MIDI in! Whew!

I assigned control-z (undo) to a pedal press on the Rolls, it really worked in Live!

I also assigned another press to the 90 41 7F 90 41 00 in your example and that became 1/F3 in Live.


Now I don't understand the MIDI "code" that you suggested. I need to assign MIDI notes in Live. Is there a "translation" available so I cancreate more MIDI notes?

Thanks again!!


2008-10-10 17:52:34

For a while I tried substituting numbers for the 41's in the 90 41 7F 90 41 00 in your example.

That worked when I had a MIDI map made up but for some reason when I tried to map it to Live it didn't work consistently. Live didn't always "hear" me.

In the end I used key stroke emulation which flowed great w/Live. So I am happily up and running even better than before.

I had a number of MT crashes whenever I tried to save my new preset, so I re-installed MT and that seems to have fixed it.

Thank you very much for the support.


Bradley Fish