Ghost Strokes


2008-11-03 14:13:39

This will only make sense if you watch the film.

Basically I have three buttons setup only to do the keystroke when they are held down (there is a bit of lag in the video) - however if two are pressed at once, then... well watch the video- its hard to explain.

-- the following will make sense after you watch the video --

Further, when the crazy shit starts happening- if i press and hold down a button then it plays normally, as soon as i let go it returns to freakydeaky mode. Although I stupidly didn't show in the video.

Anyway- I hope this will be of some help.



2008-11-06 05:02:09

Hmm. No replies?
If someone could tell me how to pull out the log file or its java equivalent I can post that.


2008-11-07 01:38:59

hi there...are you using 'enter' or 'tab' or 'backspace' in any of your key commands/

you didnt specify what system your on but on mac i think there is a bug with 'enter' and possibly tab when used in conjunction with certain keys (with me its when using the arrow keys)

also...make sure you type the key command in the exact order as the application your controlling intends it to be....
ie if its apple s make sure you hold down apple , press s, lift off s, then lift off apple.....sorry if this seems obvious its all i can think of!


2008-11-07 01:45:52

also you say you are "holding" down a button to generate some keystrokes
I'm not sure if MT "waits" for a button to be held down a certain amount of time untill it begins usuall just starts processing as soon as the button is pressed

you can, of course, insert timers but this will only delay the output, not the input.


2008-11-07 05:37:47

The commands I am using are
Option + Control + 1
Option + Control + 2
Option + Control + 3
As you could see in the video.

What I mean by 'holding' is that MT will only output as long as I am pressing the button, as soon as I let go it stops.


2008-11-17 22:57:03

sorry, did you get sorted?

I'd say make sure that your midi controller is sending out a prolonged, if your just sending out program change messages then they will be instant (not what you want)

If your sending out note values (which is probably what your doing) you also need to set bomes to listen for "note offs" otherwise it may keep outputting your key commands even when you lift off on your controller....I don't know how to do this but i think i remember seeing it explained in the manual somewhere ;)

as a last note, try having microsft word open...then you'll be able to get a visual as to what MT is actually doing


2008-11-24 16:31:24

if you use "pp" as value, it is likely that you generate the keystropkes when pressing the button on the controller, and ALSO when releasing it. So serato will receive the keystroke combination twice.

With "capture MIDI", you can see what's coming in, and only use the MIDI command for p;ressing the button (e.g. value 7F).

For the log, you can enable it in the settings.
