Calling MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke experts... help I'm MIDi Yoke


2008-12-10 00:22:54

Dear MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke experts:

Being somewhat confused using MidiOX and MidiYoke I'm in need of your invaluable advice:
It says: "MIDI YOKE connects any MIDI App output to any other App input". That sounds so simple that I cannot work it out...
How exactly should I adjust MidiOX and MidiYoke, if I would like to use two or more Apps at the same time? I have got the following MIDI scenario:

Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for two MIDI Apps (A & B), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A:
Adjustment in MIDI App B:

Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for three MIDI Apps (A, B, C), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A:
Adjustment in MIDI App B:
Adjustment in MIDI App C:

MIDIOX and all other Apps, such as Live-Styler, Sonar, Cubase etc, have the following MIDI IN/OUT details:
SB-Audigy4 MIDI I/O
IN from MIDI YOKE: 1
IN from MIDI YOKE: 2
IN from MIDI YOKE: 3
IN from MIDI YOKE: 4
IN from MIDI YOKE: 5
IN from MIDI YOKE: 6
IN from MIDI YOKE: 7
IN from MIDI YOKE: 8

SB-Audigy4 MIDI IO
SB-Audigy4 SF2 Loader
Yamaha XG SoftSynth
Roland VSC
Out to MIDI YOKE: 1
Out to MIDI YOKE: 2
Out to MIDI YOKE: 3
Out to MIDI YOKE: 4
Out to MIDI YOKE: 5
Out to MIDI YOKE: 6
Out to MIDI YOKE: 7
Out to MIDI YOKE: 8

Knowing that, that would be of great help. Thanking you in advance!
Kind Regards, jjj ...the last condor from the Chilean Andes.


2008-12-12 18:34:16

well. ive set my midi ox to recieve input from all my devices and i send it out to midi yoke 1, then ive set MT to recieve to midi yoke 1 and output on midi yoke 2, then i have my DAW (Ableton Live) to recieve both remote and track on midi yoke 2.

when you connect devices in midi ox you can select several midi outputs and route them using midi ox´s routing interface (uh, its one of those buttons on the toolbar, cant remember which one here out of the blue heh).

if you are to use two or more apps at the same time and route through the apps (from software A to software B for example), you could either get something like rearoute (comes with reaper, also standalone), jackdump for windows (jack audio ported to windows), or set your midi to go through midi ox to a dedicated yoke, then send output from software A to another yoke, and recieve this yoke on software B.

if you want to route to several applications without capturing several youd need to setup a routing system, either with (again), rearoute, jackdump or using midi ox and connect the inputs to several yokes and setup your software to recieve the yokes they need. note that you cant recieve say, yoke 2 in two softwares at once because you can only use a port once (afaik anyways), but you can route through and send it out to a different yoke.

rearoute is actually made for audio and it needs virtual midi ports to route midi, although i figured it was worth a mention while were on the subject of routing: ... instrument

heres a quick tutorial on midi yoke (for renoise, but the principle is the same), also a quick look at merging midi with midi ox. ... r-renoise/


2008-12-12 19:34:29

Thanking you fanboi for the good advice.
I extra mentioned all the details of my soundcard details in the the hope some MIDIOX/ MIDYoke expert might be able to directly answer my two questions...
Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for two MIDI Apps (A & B), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A: ???
Adjustment in MIDI App B:

Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for three MIDI Apps (A, B, C), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A:
Adjustment in MIDI App B: ???
Adjustment in MIDI App C:

So, all is left for me to do trial & error as to work it out. I suppose there's no other way. I'm still confused, but somehow I'll get there. It's just a matter of crashing the PC several times more... :(


2008-12-12 20:06:12

jjj wrote:Thanking you fanboi for the good advice.
I extra mentioned all the details of my soundcard details in the the hope some MIDIOX/ MIDYoke expert might be able to directly answer my two questions...
Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for two MIDI Apps (A & B), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A: ???
Adjustment in MIDI App B:

Question: How are the MIDIOX & MIDI Yoke adjustment for three MIDI Apps (A, B, C), running at the same time:
Adjustment in MIDIOX:
Adjustment in MIDI App A:
Adjustment in MIDI App B: ???
Adjustment in MIDI App C:

So, all is left for me to do trial & error as to work it out. I suppose there's no other way. I'm still confused, but somehow I'll get there. It's just a matter of crashing the PC several times more... :(
check the links. describes how to route stuff.
for routing midi ox, i guess its time for me to do some screenshots then heh. heres a routing scheme for a couple of inputs and two outputs:

and heres how you setup the actual routing:


clicking that button will show you a routing page, where you can connect the inputs to the outputs. if you want more outputs (you say you need to connect to 3 different softwares, then open up 3 output ports in midi ox), just open them, then connect them using the route interface.

then you have to set it up on your different softwares what yoke you want to recieve on. i cant tell you how to do that because i dont know what software you are using, so youll have to figure that out yourself, i recommend reading the manual for each of your softwares you want to connect to aswell as the midi ox manual.

does that help?


2008-12-12 23:58:26

Thx again fanboi,

Here's a Pic of my MIDI-OX setting: ... ingli2.jpg

That should be OK?
At this time I have no time to try it out, but secured all Info. There was I time I knew how to do it, but after years I forgotten it.
That's why it's a good idea writing my own brief operation guide for each new App. That saves me time to relearn it and haven't to pass Trial & Error every time. At least your good advice helps me to avoid some crashes... :)