2008-12-11 09:33:25
I've been using MT for a couple weeks now with FCB1010s (5 of them), a Yamaha 01x, and Ableton Live 7 on a Macbook Pro. I'll talk more about my large and complex setup later.
The Beta 6 has been great. Stable and definitely not the weakest link in my setup however...
The OSX Beta 6 has expired today. Florian....help!
2008-12-12 09:53:22
Hi Drew,
our apologies! we were ready to release a new beta just in time before the current one expires, but in the last moment we found a nasty bug that we need to fix before releasing the new beta. We are working feverishly on the fix, we plan to finish and release beta 7 today (Friday).
A trick is to change your system clock to, say, last Wednesday, then start MT. Once it's started, you can reset your system time. MT only checks the expiration at start.
Sorry again! We'll send out an email notification to all beta testers when the new beta is out.
2008-12-12 23:22:25
Update: just released beta 7! phew...
Thanks for hanging in there. Please report all your findings.
grade e
2008-12-13 17:58:57
The new beta only allows you to use it for 20 minutes at a time?!?!? Is that warning for real?