keyboard Set up


2009-03-16 18:58:59

It seems like when I go to record a midi note that will launch a command.

When I push a key down its registers as a note, and as I raise it up it registers as a diffrent note.

So I essentially can't just hit a key and have it send a command.

Is there anyway I can just hit a key on the axiom keyboard and have it send something.


2009-03-17 11:43:28

you mean with Midi Translator?

With MIDI usually uses the "90" command when you press down:
e.g.: 90 40 70
presses down note 40 with velocity 70.

When you release a note, there are two different ways to send that with MIDI:
1) 80 40 50
That's a "NOTE OFF" message (starts with 80) of note 40. The last number is the note off velocity (can be any value, including 00).

2) 90 40 00
That's the same NOTE ON message, but with velocity 00. By convention, this is equivalent to a NOTE OFF message.

You'll find more info on how MIDI works with a Google search...

Hope that helps!