2009-04-19 19:53:37
Can this be done in MT Pro 1.7.0? I'd like to alter a single keystroke to simulate left clicking & holding on a point on the screen, then dragging to a new position and releasing the left mouse button...
Would be an absolute GODSEND if this could be done!
2009-04-20 05:06:02
I originally tried an approach like this to select all clips in an Ableton set. I don't remember exactly what the steps were, but something like:
On the incoming Midi Message (all steps below require same incoming MM)
Outputs will be as follows:
- Mouse/Abs Position (then you'll have to do a bit of trial and error to move your cursor to the location you want. X = more to the right as you increase the value...Y= down more as you increase value).
-Mouse/Button Clicks/Only Down
-Mouse/Movement/(fill in values you want for the movement you need.
or maybe I did
-Mouse/Abs Position/(fill in value for destination location of cursor)
-Mouse/Button Clicks/Only Up
I bet someone knows how to do this in a less clunky way, but I think it worked for me.
2009-04-20 05:09:16
I'd have edited my previous there some way to do that.
I wanted to add, that if you're trying to select a bunch of stuff in something like an Ableton set, where there are hotkeys that allow specific actions, you might find that you can just use Bomes to set the cursor location somewhere on the screen (may not even be necessary in your case) and then use outgoing keystroke emulation to do the action you want ... maybe selecting all of something or other, and then doing something to them all.
2009-04-20 18:59:00
Hmmm... Sounds lik eit might be possible. Unfortunately, click and drag is my only option. No key shortcuts in the software I'm trying to control. Click and drag is an absolute must for me...
2009-04-20 21:06:16
Should be possible. You can move mouse, then click with left button and check the checkbox "Only down", then move again and you will drag something.
2009-05-11 22:46:09
hey Patch, any luck on this yet?
2009-06-24 19:32:18
Not yet - I haven't looked at it in a while... It was making me pull my hair out!!!