2009-06-09 09:58:18
So when I put on bome translator it does do what I want it to. But for some reason on my axiom 49 the button under the faders, which I use for que does not work.
So basically why is it that when bomes is on some of my buttons don't work anymore?
2009-06-09 18:14:14
i think i helped you on a different forum with this, but you need to bomes to allow that message through right now it is swallowing it and not allowing the program to use it.
you can add translators for whatever you want to go through with the same midi in and midi out, just unselect the swallow message
or you can use the global midi thru.
2009-06-09 21:17:13
k played around with some settings in preferences. Took off the remote switch for the virtual midi input