Version Control?


2009-07-07 05:43:37

hey guys. sorry if this is a repost but my search terms are too general.

All the instructions on this site show at the top of the app screen:
File - Midi In - Midi Out - Preset - Translator - Options - Help

The trial copy i just downloaded and installed (Ver 1.70 build 1237) shows:
File - Preset - Translator - Midi - View - Options - Help

having trouble relating any setup advice to this version. Even the instructions IN the program (help > help overview > midi translator manual > setup) do not match what i have.

Any leads on where i can find the matching setup instructions would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get MT to translate midi messages from my APC going into Live7 but i can't figure out how to get any midi signals IN once i have MT running.



2009-07-07 12:33:38

Hi Swami,

indeed, the documentation is not yet updated. we're working on that.

What has changed in the menu:

since now you can use multiple MIDI ports, a single MIDI IN and MIDI OUT menu doesn't make sense anymore. In order to use a MIDI port, use "MIDI Ports..." in the MIDI menu. There, just check the MIDI ports that you intend to use. Note that INPUT and OUTPUT ports are separate, look at the "Port Type" in the table to see which one is which.

Some options have moved from the "Options" menu to the new "View" menu.

Everything else is pretty much the same (at least from how it's used).



2009-07-07 18:19:35

ok that helps... i think i have things working correctly now. thanks for your help!


2009-07-08 09:04:11

Hi Swami,

do you use the Mac Version? I have made a quick start manual for that GUI and SCS.3 controllers. May be that Document can help you. If you use the Mac Version, I can send it to you via email.
