OK to use MT virtual ports and MidiYoke at the same time?


2009-08-11 08:38:04

Would I experience problems if I used MT virtual ports and MidiYoke at the same time. I think I could simplify my setup if I did so. Or maybe I could get Midiox to recognize the MT virtual ports and stop using Midiyoke altogether. I always seem to get confused when dealing with these matters because of my limited understanding


2009-08-25 10:56:10

Hi Gabriels,

Midi Yoke and Bome's Virtual Midi Ports should be the same. We heard of problems with Midi Yoke, so we recommend to use Bome's Ports :)

BTW, MidiOx should be able to see the Virtual Ports.

The Virtual Ports should not be hard to understand. They react like a real Midi Device with Midi In and Midi Out.

Best regards,