Hi Dadith,
sorry to be replying just now... i was abducted by the aliens
Anyway, ...
i'm wondering:
Did you get any further in regard to your questions by maybe trying things out more?
Do you have a
specific problem you're trying to work out
It seems to me, by reading through your older posts, that you've had difficulty in understanding the usage of variables, and the
Rule Section in genaral...
and i must admit and agree this is a complex issue, which i would love to understand better myself!
There are a number of examples posted here in the forum, which i used as starting points for solving my particular issues, and enabled me to find some kind of 'Frankensteinian'-like solutions (ugly looking, convoluted), mainly through trial and error (certainly not with any understanding) and a general explanation in the manual, which i assume you have read - no?
(imho too few, for the mathematically challenged, like myself - wink notch Flo. Rü.
But i think it is better to try and understand them using specific problems!
ok, i allow myself to translate this as i believe this is where the problem originates (please correct me if i am wrong): Mentre tu vorresti capire i concetti in generale per poi essere in grado d'applicarli liberamente.. che ovviamente ha molto senso!.. pero...
purtroppo invece non possono dedicare il tempo voluto per spiegare ad ogni persona i principi d'algebra o il concetto generale di come si usa variabile....
Questo detto pero...
In this way there will be more usable answers from more helpful people and more understanding.
For as long as we can keep it in the forum it maybe be helpful for the rest of the community! Then if it gets too complicated on any specific issue, i am happy to extend my help by pm.
@BMT (and the rest of the forum users, for that matter), apart from my long overdue and genuine
compliments!! on where you have taken this great program since i last used it, during the first Mac betas - it's obvious you've put your heart in it!!!
- i would like to suggest, to collect all information specific to the Rules Section - the use of variables, assignments, expressions, etc., together with a variety of case scenarios & examples -
but more importantly perhaps, the underlying mathematical logic of
when & why to choose which Rule Type, and implement them in the manual.
And/Or even
make them into a Sticky, adding user's solutions & comments posted, too, once you guys had verified them to be correct and generally useful.
These could be
sub-categorized by Rule Types and/or Variable Types and maybe solutions people are searching for...
I know, it's a project in itself, but the user base has grown so enormously that there must be folks who'd be willing & able to contribute time for collecting the data, no
Hope you understand where i'm coming from and that this helps. Also do let me know, if not!
***ONE LOVE***