Numark Omni Control Preset Project.


2009-12-26 02:43:48


I'm an Ableton Live 8 user, and I want to create a preset for use my Numark Omni Control DJ Controller with Live.

Actually the Midi mapping of this controller with Live, have no problems.
I can map all my controllers and it's working good. The only problem is the leds of the controller doesn't work.

I've found a pdf & a xls with the Notes/CC of the controller and the Note for the leds. ... raktor.pdf ... ontrol.xls

The problem I got now is, if I put the C3 CC he send everytime the same message. That I wanna do it's making this button make:

1 clic on C3 Note, F3 turn ON, that made the led turn ON.
An other clic on C3, Note F3 turn OFF, and that the make the leds turn OFF.

The only problem result to create, one message at the first shot, and an other one at the second shot, and after the second shot return at the first message.

If somebody can send me the text only to do that, I can create a preset for make the leds workable everytime on this controller.



2010-01-07 10:54:30


I don't know exactly what you mean. Do you mean something lika a toggle?

Something like this should help.

Code: Select all

Translator 1: LED ON / OFF
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI CC 73
  if ga==0 then Goto "labelLEDOFF"
  exit rules, execute Outgoing Action
  Label "labelLEDOFF"
Outgoing: MIDI CC qq

Refer to for explanation.



2010-01-11 01:09:37

Thanks for your help and sorry for my english. lol

I don't know how to write the preset that you send me in Bome's. Have U got this kind of preset ever made to send me.

The only things I wanna do with Bome's and my controller is done the leds works.

For that on incoming I put the midi message of the cue touch and in outgoing I put the midi message of the led of this same cue touch.


Translator 1 CueA Led On
Incoming: 90 30 00
Outgoing: 90 35 00

Translator 2 CueA Led Off
Incoming: 90 30 7F
Outgoing: 90 35 7F

But when I press on the cue pad I stay pressed he launch this midi information.

90 30 00

When I release my cue button he send automatically an other midi information.

90 30 7F

The problem I got is, if I press one time on the pad the led stay turned on.
You can press an other time the led don't turned off.

Please help me. If there is a french guy on this forum that can help me, my english isn't good enough for understand everything you say.


2010-01-11 11:22:05


I will send you the Preset by email.



2010-01-18 16:32:24

I 'm gone try this.

Thanks a lot for your help Rudi. I repost when my test will be finish.
