MPK49 time division buttons / CC buttons fixed range


2010-03-30 17:18:37


I was wondering if Bome MIDI translator could solve this issue for me.

The Akai MPK49 has 8 time division buttons which are assigned to CC#s.

The thing is, these are fixed to 127 when they're turned on.

You can't specify a range, like you can with typical CC knobs.

i want to assign 4 of these 8 buttons to CC22, and 4 to CC22 -- but i want to specify a different range for each button so i can control one perimeter in massive, but have 4 different buttons that set this one perimeter in massive differently.

i am able to do these with CC knobs, because i can specify one as CC22 - range 000-010, then the next CC22 range 010-020


Can Bome MIDI translator solve this problem for me? can it make these fixed CC buttons act on different ranges?

Further more, can the MAC version of MIDI translator do it? I'm a Mac user.

thanks guys!


2010-04-01 02:09:45

Hi transientattack!

Bome's MT can sure do that, you just need to receive from the button on the Incoming Tab of a Translator and change the Output message to whatever you want...
