Help with Reason patch change keystrokes


2010-04-07 15:22:34

Hi all. Reason instruments don't respond to MIDI program changes BUT you can create "remote overrides" for a number of functions, including next/prev patch commands. Can anybody give me some clues as to how I could set up BMT so that incremental/decremental MIDI program changes (sent by my WX5 or EWI4000S wind controllers) could be translated to a specific MIDI CC command? i.e. I'd somehow need to program BMT so that it recognised whether an incoming MIDI program change was incremental or decremental (Next/Prev), and then send (as an outgoing MIDI message) the pre-programmed incremental/decremental CC that will then tell the synth to change to the Next/Prev patch.

As a side-note, I have to say that Reason's inability to respond directly to MIDI Program Changes is absolutely stupid!


2010-04-14 18:03:34

Hi Maddcow,

This should be difficult to get working, we just need to know what the MIDI messages from your controller are, and the messages that Reason needs...

Do you have a list of the messages you need to send to Reason or can you just MIDI Map to the function?

You can find out the values your controller sends quite simply - If you hook it up to MT, and set up a new Translator, in the 'Incoming' tab, select 'MIDI message' and tick the 'Capture MIDI' option. All you need to do now is move your controller parameters about and see what they send.

We can take it from there...
