2010-06-28 22:26:32
in ableton live the only way to recall presets without using a mouse is to build a rack and then assign each rack to a button or a key on a midi controller using the chain selector (you can not assign the racks or switch between chains with qwerty keys).
what i am wanting to do is build a stomp box out of a usb qwerty keyboard and be able to change presets with this.
would bomes be a work around for this?
i know there is max for live but bomes is alot less expensive.
in ableton live the only way to recall presets without using a mouse is to build a rack and then assign each rack to a button or a key on a midi controller using the chain selector (you can not assign the racks or switch between chains with qwerty keys).
what i am wanting to do is build a stomp box out of a usb qwerty keyboard and be able to change presets with this.
would bomes be a work around for this?
i know there is max for live but bomes is alot less expensive.