Midi Clock causing problems with MT


2010-10-13 16:48:44

I have just started sending midi clock from Traktor to Live and it is causing problems. Everything works fine until start sending midi clock and then Bomes stops translating.

If I remove Bomes from the equation (ie Just midi controller, Traktor and Live) it works fine (but no translating for my midi controller)

Just wondering is there anything you need to consider when working with MT and other apps sending midi clock data?

Why would it be causing me problems?


2010-10-13 17:24:24

ok furher analysis reveals that it has something to do with the Launchpad controlling both Traktor and Live. That combo with midi clock seems to be causing the launchpad to choke. Not sure why yet. Think I must be causing a feedback loop or something


2010-10-27 21:48:08

Hi Rishi,

Did you get everything fixed? What ports were you using to connect the programs?



2010-10-28 00:26:46

I put that little project on hold and will revisit. I'll post back when I get around to it. Cheers,