assistance needed


2010-10-28 12:55:09


I have recently purchased a Voodoo Lab GCP MIDI foot switch and have downloaded Bome's but i cannot figure where i am going wrong.

I am running,
Mac OS X
Latest ableton 8.2.1 software
Voodoo Lab GCP MIDI foot switch
Bome's Midi Translator Pro

In Bome's i have

1. I have selected keystroke 'Q' to activate track 1 in ableton
2. Under Midi in i have selected E-muxmidi2x2:midi in 1 (E-mu systems inc)
3. Under Midi out I have selected Bome's Midi Translator 1 virtual out
4. I have created a new preset and entered incoming MIDI message trigger code
5. I have selected key stroke emulation as the out going trigger type
6. I have entered the letter Q as the key stroke message trigger

In ableton preferences

1. I have selected Tranzport as a control suface
2. From Bome's midi translator as input
3. Fro MIDI ports i have track sync and remote 'on'

Now in Bome's at the bottom of the window the MIDI in light flasheshowever the Midi Out does not flash. Is this telling me that Bome's is not sending Midi message to Ableton?

I cannot find what i have missed, if i select MIDI through in Bomes's ableton recieves a message - i can tell by flashing light however track one does not change.

Help would be most appreciated.

Thanks Marcus


2010-10-30 13:06:22


I'm not sure about this but I have a couple of possible solutions...

- Maybe you have not set the Output Port of the actual Translator? Or Preset?

- Are you only mapping Keystrokes into Ableton? In this way, you won't need any MIDI in, just have the application in focus.

- Try only have 'remote' on in the Live Preferences.

- Maybe don't have a control surface selected in Live, just select 'None', and manually map in everything you need.

That's all I have for now, if these do not work, go further into detail...



2010-10-30 14:59:52

Thanks for your reply,

Signals are arriving from my MIDI device but not exiting. Yes i think you correct that because i am using key stroke emulation all that should matter is that ableton is in focus. MIDI prefs shouldn't matter right?

i.e if i had text edit in focus and depressed foot switch the chosen letter from key board emulation would appear.

MT is recieving MIDI as indicated by the signal indicator light at the bottom of the MT however the 'keystroke out' indicator is not flashing - so i believe the signal is not leaving the MT - This is regardless of choosing the MT virtual Out or my MIDI device in the MIDI out tab.

So the question is why won't MT pass on message? what am i not doing?




2010-10-30 15:04:02

Yea, that's correct, the Keystroke emulator has nothing to do with the MIDI Out Ports. I don't know why this isn't working for you, maybe post up some screenshots of your Translator 'Outgoing' Window/Tab for me to have a look?
