How do you program FCB1010 expression pedal?


2010-12-08 09:23:01

How do you set up the FCB1010 expression pedal to map to Ableton Live's volume (or reverb, delay amounts, etc...) parameters? Specifically, which incoming trigger type do you select, do you include rules (if so, how?) and what type of outgoing trigger do you select? I have no problem setting up the footswitches to record clips, but the expression pedal escape me.

My other post relates to this, as I have to use a "hybrid" set-up by mapping the pedals with MIDI mapping in Live (while using MT to set-up the footswitches), and I think this is causing an interference that leads to scenes being unintentionally launched by any expression pedal movement, as this seems to generate the same hexadecimal message.

Thanks for any advice!


2010-12-13 08:43:09

You need to use the 'Capture MIDI' command in a translator to find out what message the foot pedal is sending. You can change it in MT if there is still a crossover with another, already assigned message.

Just be sure to only allow MT to receive MIDI from your foot pedal and route the MIDI out through the Bome's Virtual Ports...
