2011-03-04 19:31:34
I'm trying to send commands to a CueServer system that wants to see ASCII bits in its sysex commands. CueServer is expecting to see something like [F0][00][43][59][channel][cueserver_command_string][00][F7] with the cueserver command string being ASCII (e.g. "F0 00 43 59 00 macro 101 00 F7"). Converting the ASCII to hex does not work. MT won't let me let me save the mixed hex/ascii string as a midi output. Is there anyway of getting this to work in MT?
Thank you!
2011-03-24 23:13:07
Hi Bruce,
I'm not sure what the problem is here, what version are you using and how long is your string? Can you go into more detail about how MT does not let you save...
2011-03-25 02:41:26
The problem turned out not to be a problem.
I'm using MT as part of a show control system by having it send several different SysEx commands after receiving a single midi command. One of the devices, a CueServer lighting control system, seemed to have needed ASCII bits inserted in the middle of its SysEx messages. MT will not allow saves of non-hex bits in its sends (see the example in the original post, "F0 00 43 59 00 macro 101 00 F7" which cannot be saved in MT). However, the manufacturer confirmed that CueServer WILL accept the hex conversion of the ASCII.
It turns out that the problem was due to a faulty Midi Solutions M8 midi merge device. We have replaced the M8 (with another new M8)and now everything is working properly using the command : "F0 00 43 59 00 4D 41 43 52 4F 20 31 30 31 101 00 F7"
MT is working great for this project now. Thanks.
2011-03-25 08:56:00
Ok, great, glad to hear that.
I have a great MIDI Data table that has Decimal, Hexidecimal, Note and ASCII values if you need it?
2011-04-02 23:19:43
Great, thanks good to know!