Here is my led map.
I'm using a KMI Softstep USB footswitch to control Ableton Live's looper.
The looper uses one "big button" that does 5 tasks : rec, play, overdub, stop (double press) and clear (hold) (ONLY when the loop is stopped). Another button for undo/redo. Good, so far.
In Live, record is displayed in red, play in green, overdub in orange.
(Let's forget about orange, though I can get it on the Softstep by using red & green leds together, but that would make things even more complicated and I choose red/green alternation, largely enough to know if you're in rec/ovdb or play mode.)
I'd like the Softstep's leds ro reflect each sate exactly, so I don't have to watch the MacBook's screen.
Now about the complexity of the whole thing :
There are 2 options : one with the button's hold function, CLEAR, and the other without, that is to use another pad for clearing the loop. That's what I'm using for the moment, to simplify things.
So we have :
PAD 1: record/overdub- red led blinking
PAD 1: play- green led blinking
PAD 1: stop- green led (still) ->double press)
PAD 1: clear- led off -> hold (works only when loop was stopped) <- I could live without that one
PAD 4: undo/redo- nothing (while playing)
PAD 4: undo/redo- green led (still) (if loop was cleared)
PAD 6: clear- led off
When loop is cleared with PAD 6, if I want to undo the clear with PAD 4, it means returning to the Stop state : loop is back, with still green led on and ready to be played agin (green led blinking).
CCs 20-29 for red leds (there are 10 pads) and 110-119 for green leds.
Hope it's clear !