OSX Edited Translators lose their custom output routing


2011-04-14 20:20:15

OSX v1.6.2 Build 372
Edited Translators lose their custom output routing.
to reproduce make a translator, set a midi string as output, set a specific midi device for its outgoing action
edit the translator output string, the custom destination is now lost.


2011-05-03 11:51:35


thanks for reporting this issue. I could reproduce it, will be fixed in the next version.



2011-05-03 12:16:56


thats my favorite kind of bug! (one that can be found, reproduced and fixed)

I think this little bug has been a big part of my frustration with MT, it can really break things badly when your least expecting it, and has a tendency to cause feedback routing which then crashes due to excessive midi data flow.


2011-05-11 11:11:03

oops! yes, very understandable.

In general though, I advise against using per-translator entry MIDI settings. See my reasoning here:
MIDI port selection

We haven't introduced feedback detection into Midi Translator. It hurts performance and it's important that the user gets the routing correct... but it's probably a good idea to add it as an option. Thinking of it, probably it's a good idea to be able to put MT into a "performance mode" where no edits on the presets are possible, and debugging stuff like the log window is turned off.



2011-07-01 01:23:04

hi, this should be fixed now in 1.6.3 beta 1 for OS X:
http://www.bome.com/products/miditransl ... s/beta-osx

please check it out!