2006-09-29 10:41:28
Hi, I don't know if this has already been reported but when sending cc messages, from my EventEZbus, Midi Translator v1.4 shows the recieved cc number+1 .
Midiox shows the correct value being transmitted so I assume there is an error in the 1.4 code.
Specifically I am sending BFh 13h 7Fh to BFh 17h 7Fh.
I've only just started evaluating the program but I really like it so far. Thanks
Midiox shows the correct value being transmitted so I assume there is an error in the 1.4 code.
Specifically I am sending BFh 13h 7Fh to BFh 17h 7Fh.
I've only just started evaluating the program but I really like it so far. Thanks