Keyboard input not working correctly


2011-05-28 07:43:57

Sorry for the multi-post, but keyboard capture is not working correctly. Alt-tab and other windows shortcuts are not getting picked up, at least for me in win7. More detail here:


2011-06-13 22:09:10

is this for using keystrokes as incoming action?
or is it the problem of capturing keystrokes for an outgoing keystroke action?

In any case, Windows 7 (and I believe Vista, too) swallows some keystrokes on its own and doesn't pass it on to "normal" applications.



2011-06-16 06:46:50

It's for capturing keystrokes for outbound actions. I'm not surprised that win will capture these sorts of shortcuts, but I am then left with the only option of editing the Bome file directly as of now. Thanks.