Using a button as a fader


2011-06-30 06:34:03

Sorry if this is a n00b question, I dont know any code and bomes is looking like Greek to me even after reading the manual.

I am using a novation launchpad and I would like to use two buttons as a fader to controll tempo changes.
I need the buttons to go up or down one midi value each time I tap one.

I know it can be done but I don't know how to do it!

Please help.


2011-07-04 00:07:34

Hi systembounce,

This quite a simple task in MT, you just need to make the 'up' button add to a variable and send out the fader message and make the 'down' button subtract from a variable a send out the same fader message.

I am assuming you want your fader to send out a standard MIDI velocity message (0-127), and for the example I made your 'up' button input message 90 00 oo and the 'down' button message 90 01 oo.

Code: Select all

[x] Translator 0: Fader Position Up
Incoming: MIDI 90 00 7F
  if ga>=127 then ga=127
Outgoing: MIDI B0 00 ga

[x] Translator 1: Fader Position Down
Incoming: MIDI 90 01 7F
  if ga<=0 then ga=0
Outgoing: MIDI B0 00 ga

I hope this helps!



2011-07-04 03:33:38

this is my code, It does not work however..., the fader jumps to the top and bottom...

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Fader Up
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI 90 68 pp 
  if ga>=127 then ga=127
Outgoing: MIDI B0 00 ga