2011-07-13 17:37:41
i bought a novation launchpad a while back, and recently got hubi so i could get it to work in a custom way. Ive never done anything like this, and while i think i got the project nearly done, there are a couple of quick queries:
1 - the launchpad has 64 main LED buttons. I wanted to use it as a sequencer, so ive got it so that each button turns a cc on a small amount, when hit again, goes up to max, then when hit again, goes back to zero, rules roughly like:
if g0>127 then g0=0.
BUT - not knowing about local/global variables, i set up all 64 buttons with 'g0' as the variable . SO - if all LEDS are off (at 0), then i hit the first once, i will get state 2 (note on), then if i hit the next button, that button jumps straight to state 3 (cc=90 ), full accent level. SO - this just makes controlling it a bit slower and more fiddly. I guess then that i need to replace this/ these G0's with a local variable. If i replace them all with one (please suggest which one, im lost), will that keep track of the 3 states of every one of the 64 buttons, so that even if the first button is at 2/3 on, when i hit the next button, that wont jump straight to 3/3 (full accent?). DO i need to assign a DIFFERNET local variable to each of the 64 buttons? (please god no).
2 -Um, also - note that the above g0+45 gives me THREE button states. If i went through ALL of the 64 buttons, and changed it to G0=10 (or whatever), i could get many more intermediate CC/volume levels output. SO - is there a way to set that '45' varibale somewhere (global?), so if i want to alter the amount of levels present, i can just tweak one variable (or better yet, link this to a controller), and all buttons will advance by that specified number? how do i code this?
3 - getting timers to sync with midi hosts - is this possible without brain surgery level stuff?
4 - re the local/global variables. im reading here that the G (and H) variables are global, whereas the aa, bb ones are local. DO any of the other letter combinations have intrinsic qualities of any sort? i cant find much of a pattern as i read the manual and these forums (again, this is all brand new to me).
5 - i have set key combinations that blank the cc values on a row by row basis. I was about to start coding a command to blank all 64 CCs - is there any way i can do this bar having the midi output as b0 01 00 b0 02 00 b0 03 00 etc..? t
I think thats all at the moment - thans heaps for reading, and i would appreciate even the most basic of help - this project has obsessed me, and im still trying to get up a working knowledge of the basics - thanks.
i bought a novation launchpad a while back, and recently got hubi so i could get it to work in a custom way. Ive never done anything like this, and while i think i got the project nearly done, there are a couple of quick queries:
1 - the launchpad has 64 main LED buttons. I wanted to use it as a sequencer, so ive got it so that each button turns a cc on a small amount, when hit again, goes up to max, then when hit again, goes back to zero, rules roughly like:
if g0>127 then g0=0.
BUT - not knowing about local/global variables, i set up all 64 buttons with 'g0' as the variable . SO - if all LEDS are off (at 0), then i hit the first once, i will get state 2 (note on), then if i hit the next button, that button jumps straight to state 3 (cc=90 ), full accent level. SO - this just makes controlling it a bit slower and more fiddly. I guess then that i need to replace this/ these G0's with a local variable. If i replace them all with one (please suggest which one, im lost), will that keep track of the 3 states of every one of the 64 buttons, so that even if the first button is at 2/3 on, when i hit the next button, that wont jump straight to 3/3 (full accent?). DO i need to assign a DIFFERNET local variable to each of the 64 buttons? (please god no).
2 -Um, also - note that the above g0+45 gives me THREE button states. If i went through ALL of the 64 buttons, and changed it to G0=10 (or whatever), i could get many more intermediate CC/volume levels output. SO - is there a way to set that '45' varibale somewhere (global?), so if i want to alter the amount of levels present, i can just tweak one variable (or better yet, link this to a controller), and all buttons will advance by that specified number? how do i code this?
3 - getting timers to sync with midi hosts - is this possible without brain surgery level stuff?
4 - re the local/global variables. im reading here that the G (and H) variables are global, whereas the aa, bb ones are local. DO any of the other letter combinations have intrinsic qualities of any sort? i cant find much of a pattern as i read the manual and these forums (again, this is all brand new to me).
5 - i have set key combinations that blank the cc values on a row by row basis. I was about to start coding a command to blank all 64 CCs - is there any way i can do this bar having the midi output as b0 01 00 b0 02 00 b0 03 00 etc..? t
I think thats all at the moment - thans heaps for reading, and i would appreciate even the most basic of help - this project has obsessed me, and im still trying to get up a working knowledge of the basics - thanks.