Almost have 01v working with Pro Tools...


2012-01-05 11:03:42

I'm trying to get my old Yamaha 01v digital mixer working as a MIDI Controller for Pro Tools using MT Pro. I am very close to making this work, and I'll share the template here once its working. I'm using MT to convert the 01v incoming MIDI to HUI across two instances of HUI controllers in Pro Tools.

The problem I have is that when I grab the motorized fader and try to move it, the fader "fights" back. Some MIDI feedback loop is occurring because the mixer is sending a message to Pro Tools, and Pro Tools is sending the same message back to the fader, and the screen and fader are fighting to update each other.

What is the best way to fix this?

I have two presets in my MT project, one for converting 01v to HUI, and another for converting HUI back to 01v. It seems like if I could temporarily disable the second preset anytime the first preset received input, it would work.

By the way I referenced the Allen & Heath GR-24 Pro Tools translator preset for inspiration, available under the documents tab here: ... ctId=GSR24



2012-01-05 16:01:42

I ran into this a while ago with a different kind of controller. The problem is that the fader is updating its position at the same time you're moving it, so it's constantly recalling a variable that you're trying to change. I'm assuming you're setting a global variable to the state of the fader for the control, and also have an update command.

I don't have the preset I created in front of me as I'm at my crappy day job, but you'll need to set a timer to delay the global variable being set. It should be around 100ms, I think. That should allow you to update the fader and save the value. When I get home tonight I'll post up what I have. :)


2012-01-06 15:08:38

I'm only using local variables, no globals, but I'll be interested in seeing your solution.

My project looks something like this:

Preset: 01v to HUI
Name: Fader 1 01v
Incoming Trigger: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 (this is the midi message coming in from the 01v fader 1 with a local variable)
Outgoing Action: B0 0F 00 B0 2F 40 B0 00 pp B0 20 00 B0 0F 00 B0 2F 00 (this is the HUI formatted message for Pro Tools fader 1)

Preset: HUI to 01v
Name: Fader 1 HUI
Incoming Trigger: B0 00 pp B0 20 xx (this is the HUI formatted message coming from Pro Tools fader 1)
Outgoing Action: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 (this is the midi message to control the 01v fader 1)

So you can see whenever the 01v fader tells the Pro Tools fader to move, the Pro Tools fader in turn tells the 01v fader to move and it fights with itself.

This seems like a basic problem that anyone would have come across trying to use motorized faders to control a DAW...


2012-01-06 15:33:11

Right. So what you do is set a global variable to the current value of the fader. (where pp and xx are) and you set a timer to delay the update to the fader so it won't update right away. Sorry I didn't get the answer to you last night but I got caught up in some stuff. Tonight will definitely have it on here, I swear :)

But you're going to have to use a global variable for the value of the fader.


2012-01-07 01:54:30

Alright, so I've gone back to my notes. the timer thing was for a different function, but this is where I'm at.

You're going to need a few features. First, you're going to need a global variable to remember what the fader's value in Pro-Tools is. There are a couple of ways to go from there. I'm assuming you have different presets for different functions so you can recall the values of different parameters based on what you're working on. if that's the case then you'll need code resembling:

Code: Select all

Incoming: MIDI "F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7" -- port=controller
Outgoing: MIDI "B0 0F 00 B0 2F 40 B0 00 pp B0 20 00 B0 0F 00 B0 2F 00" -- port=controller

Incoming Trigger: B0 00 pp B0 20 xx

translator #3:
Incoming: On Activation of this Preset
Outgoing: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7
Now, this is assuming you're switching presets. The problem you're running into is you're trying to update a function AS you're using it. That will not work very well, and you'll run into the conflict you're hitting now. This kind of structure will allow you to update the fader when the preset is activated and you can continue moving from there. If you are not using a preset structure to change functions let me know what it is and we can work with it from there. Hope this helps



2012-01-07 23:01:10

Thanks for the tips! You got me thinking, and now I have it working :) I'm not really switching on and off presets like your example, but I am using a timer and a global as you suggested to temporarily quit listening for Pro Tools HUI updates for 100ms until I let go of the 01v fader, and it works.

Basically, for each fader on the 01v, I have three translators: "Fader 1 Timer," "Fader 1," and "Fader 1 Timer Action." Whenever I get input I set a global variable to 0 and set a 100ms timer. I then send my outgoing message to Pro Tools. The action that fires 100ms after the fader quits moving sets the global variable back to 1. Like this:

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Fader 1 Timer
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 
Rules: Fader1HuiOff
Outgoing: One-shot timer "Fader1HuiOn": 100 ms delay

Translator 2: Fader 1
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 
Outgoing: MIDI B0 0F 00 B0 2F 40 B0 00 pp B0 20 00 B0 0F 00 B0 2F 00 

Translator 3: Fader 1 Timer Action
Options: stop=false
Incoming: On timer "Fader1HuiOn"
Rules: Fader1HuiOn
Outgoing: (none)
In the preset that listens for Pro Tools, I only execute the outgoing action if the global variable is set to 1, like this:

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Fader 1
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI B0 00 pp B0 20 xx 
Rules: If HUI is disabled, skip
  if l1==0 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: MIDI F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 
I'll post the whole project here once I'm finished with it. So far I have faders, mutes, and solos working for 16 channels. I plan to have pans, channel selects, and an aux bus for my headphone mix as well.


2012-01-08 02:39:09

Great to hear. I'm looking forward to see what you got. :)


2012-05-03 05:04:28

gburks wrote:I'm only using local variables, no globals, but I'll be interested in seeing your solution.

My project looks something like this:

Preset: 01v to HUI
Name: Fader 1 01v
Incoming Trigger: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 (this is the midi message coming in from the 01v fader 1 with a local variable)
Outgoing Action: B0 0F 00 B0 2F 40 B0 00 pp B0 20 00 B0 0F 00 B0 2F 00 (this is the HUI formatted message for Pro Tools fader 1)

Preset: HUI to 01v
Name: Fader 1 HUI
Incoming Trigger: B0 00 pp B0 20 xx (this is the HUI formatted message coming from Pro Tools fader 1)
Outgoing Action: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 (this is the midi message to control the 01v fader 1)

So you can see whenever the 01v fader tells the Pro Tools fader to move, the Pro Tools fader in turn tells the 01v fader to move and it fights with itself.

This seems like a basic problem that anyone would have come across trying to use motorized faders to control a DAW...

Wow pretty crazy but i may have some help for u.

I have a hui emulating mackie d8b and an o1v. Im in deep currently,

One thing i see is,,,,

".......Incoming Trigger: F0 43 10 3E 04 30 00 0C pp F7 (this is the midi message coming in from the 01v fader 1 with a local variable)......."

Cant u use the remote pages of the o1v? U could set it to any mdi message,,but theres probably a reason u do it this way^^ I thought it did feedback in that mode but i could be wrong.

Two is...

Outgoing Action: B0 0F 00 B0 2F 40 B0 00 pp B0 20 00 B0 0F 00 B0 2F 00 (this is the HUI formatted message for Pro Tools fader 1)

You are including the touch, move, and realease HUI mesages all in one. Could u not ..and here's where i have no idea^^...use bomes to take first initial movement u make on the o1v fader and convert it to touch,,which pro tools should respond to and make ur struggles easier.^^

Im not tryin to be a smart ass,but i was lookin for help with my BMTP project and i came accross this post ..while looking at a hui and an o1v in front of me.^^ im in the middle of a hui to mcu conversion, and i have been dreamin in hex lately..if u know what i mean.^^ But i have yet to come to grips with rules and timers, but im gettin there.

Hope this helped.



2012-05-03 16:00:30

Thanks a lot for the extra info, Guido. :)


2012-06-23 19:20:52

Can some one tell me how to get my o1v mixer to work with protools period!!!Im lost and I have my midi cord running from the back of the mixer onto the Mbox where I go from there to get this working please!!!?


2012-06-23 19:25:30

Hi Hottbigplay

I won't steer you away but I can only help so much. What equipment are you dealing with?


2012-06-23 19:29:35

DvlsAdvct wrote:Hi Hottbigplay

I won't steer you away but I can only help so much. What equipment are you dealing with?

My o1v and protools 9 with inbox...!


2012-06-23 19:43:02


2012-06-23 23:38:12

DvlsAdvct wrote:This was all I could find ... _pro_tools
Thanks,I went threw these steps but every time I press 1-8 on my mixer it's basically saying that Hui is not responding check conections do I put it on Hui or what!!?


2012-06-25 15:34:30

I honestly don't know. I don't have one of these units, nor do I use Pro-Tools. There's gotta be resources on the web that would be more appropriate to you questions. I know there are a number of Yamaha o1V resources through Google, and Pro-Tools has a very active user base. This isn't the place, unfortunately, to get the answers to your question.