qwertz - qwerty ??


2012-02-11 13:58:43

Hello there,

I got a problem with the Pro Version, that I purchased yesterday. With the Classic version I got none.
The problem is, that I type in Ableton Live the Key Strokes and everything is fine. But the Midi Translator changes the German Keystroke in US :? So, how can I change this behavior?
Please help.



2012-02-13 23:21:13

we've solved this by PM -- basically, MT incorrectly may display Y for Z but generate the correct keystrokes.

Just as an explanation: MT's keystroke emulation types a key at the specific position, no matter what letter is printed on that key. Depending on the language of the keyboard driver, the same key will be Y in German, but Z on a US Windows.

We plan to add a "type characters" or so outgoing action where you can enter "Zed" and MT will generate the correct keystroke emulation to produce these letters (including SHIFT, etc.).



2012-02-16 09:46:36

Thanks a lot for the hint.
Looking forward to the new feature.
