How to Filter Notes to Channels


2012-03-25 23:14:17

Hey gang,

Just discovered Bome from JuanSolo over on the Ableton Forum..big thanks there
So anyway I searched the forums but wasnt able to come up with anything that is helping me wrap my head around what I'm trying to do.

Basically what I want to do is take a range of notes..for example a riff with C D# F G A# that uses a two octave range...this is my Bass line
what I would like to do is make notes in that two octave range output to different midi channels so parts of the Bass riff will trigger other instruments for that note or range of notes. for example.. my bass line is C D# F G everytime D# is hit it triggers whatever synths(etc) are on midi channel 3 or F G and A# are all on midi channel 4..

I could do something with key selectors in the Live Racks but this is a static solution meaning it will specific to the riff
what I want is to be able to play any Master Bass Riff in the two octave range and have the notes output to different channels on the fly....and maybe make different presets that would also switch the note value to channel routing as well
Riff is C D# F G A#
Preset 1
whole riff range = channel 1
C=Channel 2
D#=Channel 3
F=Channel 4
G/A#= Channel 5

Preset 2
C=channel 5
D#=Channel 4
F/G= channel 3
C/D= channel 2

I don't know if this is making sense and I just dl'ed Midi Translator Classic to experiment but don't really know where to start
I'm getting into the manual but could use some guidance with how to go about accomplishing this
any help is greatly appreciated


2012-03-26 19:37:33

Hi BlackMath.

JuanSolo has some really awesome APC40 stuff going on, so I'm really glad he brought you over here.

What you want to do is totally possible. What it comes down to is deciding what options you need for "On the Fly". You can easily set output channels based on presets, or based on other modifying conditions.

So if you want to have the chord channels change based on the octave they are pressed in you can do that (F G A# on octave 4 are on a different channel than when octave 3), or you can do that based on a modifier state. So, for example, you press a button on your keyboard and it will increase the channel of whatever keys you're pressing up and down. You can also divide your keyboard into sections so different buttons can change different sections, if that makes sense.

What you want to do is very easy, but the first step to doing it is figuring out how you want it set up. In MIDI Translator Classic you can use presets, but not rules. So what you'd do is create a bunch of presets, say 4. The first preset call init as it will always be on, and the others just call Preset 1, 2, 3

In those presets you're going to have a series of translators for each key you want to use, as well as a series of translators for turning the presets on and off. i'll get you started, but then you take it from there. What kind of keyboard are you using, so I can know what kind of functions you have?

For the three channel presets, however, you can have the following, just change the channel command in the outgoing action, which is the important part.

Code: Select all

Translator 1: C
Incoming Action: 90 30 pp
Outgoing Action: 91 30 pp

Translator 2: D#
Incoming Action: 90 33 pp
Outgoing Action: 92 33 pp
etc. etc. And just change the channel command (the 1 in 91) every time you want it different. Make sense?