2012-05-23 14:42:55
I've got to modify a sysex coming from a software to a hardware that was not correctly setup.
The problem is that the sysex is 64 bytes long and therefore I had to create a translator for each sysex to make it 63 bytes long by removing the last byte before F7.
Now if Bome's had a passtrough of data via a variable I only need one line.
Let's say I need to modify one byte for each sysex:
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 20 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 20 F7
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 55 56 43 27 32 20 25 24 20 43 20 26 50 20 20 20 43 20 20 F7
Actually to manipulate those two sysex I needs two translators
A way to select a part of the sysex that will not taken into account to trigger the rule.
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 (55 56 43 27 32 20 25 24 20 43 20 26 50 20 20 20 43 20) 20 F7
These byte are the one I just want to pass as it is but I want to manipulate any other bytes.
This will reduce de numbers of translator.
The problem is that the sysex is 64 bytes long and therefore I had to create a translator for each sysex to make it 63 bytes long by removing the last byte before F7.
Now if Bome's had a passtrough of data via a variable I only need one line.
Let's say I need to modify one byte for each sysex:
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 20 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 20 F7
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 55 56 43 27 32 20 25 24 20 43 20 26 50 20 20 20 43 20 20 F7
Actually to manipulate those two sysex I needs two translators
A way to select a part of the sysex that will not taken into account to trigger the rule.
F0 00 00 66 14 12 38 (55 56 43 27 32 20 25 24 20 43 20 26 50 20 20 20 43 20) 20 F7
These byte are the one I just want to pass as it is but I want to manipulate any other bytes.
This will reduce de numbers of translator.