2012-07-16 22:34:01
i use translator classic to convert midi notes to keystrokes - is there a way to filter out these incoming notes ONLY?
say i translate notes c-1 up to h-1 to keystrokes and don't want to pass these notes to software but want to transmit notes c 1 and upwards...
2012-07-17 14:00:08
Hi michi_mak
The best way to do this would be to handle it in Presets. You'd need to create keystroke and note presets, and toggle between them using buttons either on your keyboard or your MIDI controller. You'd probably want to break this down by each octave (c-1 - b-1; c0 - b0; etc) and have one preset for keystroke and one for note. We are limited in methods to switch presets as you are using Classic and not Pro. Do you need all octaves to be able to toggle between note and keystroke?
Setting this up with a computer keyboard to trigger might be easiest, but my assumption is you are trying to avoid using the keyboard. What midi controller are you using?
2012-07-17 14:34:37
thank you for answering!
maybe i was not clear enough :
*) i use a Korg NanoPad2
*) i assigned notes c2,d2,e2 and c-1,d-1,e-1 to the pads
*) i want to send the notes c2,d2,e2 to my music software ( without any processing / translation )
*) i want to translate the notes c-1,d-1,e-1 into keystrokes BUT do not want to send them to my music software ( this is what i called "filter out" )
again thank you for answering
2012-07-17 16:21:51
Oh... well, this is a little complicated. Right now MT doesn't have a way to focus key strokes to applications. I know it's a feature that has been brought up to implement, but as of now you can't have MT translate keystrokes for some applications but not for others. You can use a button to shift presets, though, so when you're in the application you can manually set it to send notes, and when you leave the app you have to set it to send keystrokes. I know the nanopad has LED feedback, so you can set it to reflect what state you're in.
I can show you how to do that, if you're interested.
2012-07-17 16:33:00
the problem is not to direct the keystrokes to a certain application - the problem is how to i block midi notes in MT ( i don't want MT to send the translated notes to MT's midi out )!
2012-07-20 21:09:56
Sorry for the late reply.
If you don't want them to send out then don't make them translators. You need to make sure your application is not receiving MIDI notes from your NanoPad, instead from MIDI Translator (using the Bome MIDI Port instead). This would prevent the application from receiving anything not mapping in MT.
That make sense?
2012-07-20 21:18:25
seems MT is NOT what i need...
2012-07-20 21:34:10
Why not, though? MT can easily do what you need it to do. It just exists as a middle ground software between your MIDI controller and the application. It can do exactly what you need it to do, we just need to get the translators in correctly.
2012-07-20 21:50:40
no, if MT can't block midi events i can't use it for this purpose...
2012-07-20 23:04:06
But it can block MIDI messages from making it to the application. You just need to tell it to.