MIDI Guide


2012-11-18 12:52:52


I'm struggling, I've searched through lookup tables but I'm still lost.

If I have a channel 10 note on message coming in (90 30 pp) how can I output this as a note on but in channel 16? I have three controllers hooked up, starting to mess with each other, and I want to stick this Korg Pad on channel 16 so it's on it's own.

A few searches showed 0f as channel 16, but then again other show 11101, and yet others show different things.

If I should be reading something specific so I understand this, feel free to post a link.



2012-11-18 12:54:04

Ignore me I figured it out.

Feel free to post those links though ;)


2012-11-18 13:01:56

Ignore me again, spoke too soon.

I have a Korg PAD and an APC20 hooked up, VDMX is looking for Bome Virtual Ports only, so my problem is down to my own fault.

This message from the KORG; On: 9f 0f pp and Off: 8f 0f pp and being confused for these messages from the APC20; On: 90 30 7F and Off: 80 30 7F. The APC doesn't mess with my KORG but the KORG messes with the APC20 (in that, pressing the buttons on the APC20 will not trigger VDMX to do anyhting other than I expect, but the KORG will trigger it's own stuff plus the APC20 items).

The APC20 mapping is in one preset, the KORG mapping in a second.

I do get an internal error: Translator with index '116' not found [getTransMsgFromPreset]


2012-11-18 15:18:45

OK, I narrowed it down using a MIDI sniffer.

When I use my APC20 on this specific control, I'm getting;

IN: 90 30 7F SENDING: 90 30 7F (On)
IN: 80 30 7F SENDING: 80 30 7F (Off)

The MIDI sniffer is seeing this as:

14:15:59.253 From Bome's Midi Translator 1 Note On 1 C2 127


14:16:13.650 From Bome's Midi Translator 1 Note Off 1 C2 127
14:16:13.650 From Bome's Midi Translator 1 Note Off 16 C2 127

So my translator is sending the channel 16 message which is confusing everything. On my translator for this control I only have the one output set, so I'm at a loss as to what is going on.

And as I type this I figure out what it is, isn't that always the way! I haven't set the translator to look for APC20 or KORG input specifically. I'll leave this up for future users.