The Feature Request List


2005-06-21 14:24:02

This is the growing list of official feature requests. Please post new feature requests in new topics and I'll add the "approved" feature requests to this list, including the implementation status.

Mouse Output with variables for mouse location
Status: available in 1.7.2 beta

Mouse Output for OS X
Status: available in 1.7.2 beta

"Active Application Change" as Incoming Trigger
Status: accepted

Always On Top option
Status: accepted

Export/Import to/from CSV/Excel
Status: accepted

Allow free form variables
Not just pp, oo, ga, gb... but any term like "midi_channel_flag" as variable.
Status: planned for version 2.0

Swallow keystrokes in the incoming action
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Send messages to the serial port as Outgoing Action
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Option to display controller numbers in the range 0..127 rather than 1..128.
Status: accepted

Control on-screen knobs with MIDI controllers
Status: accepted

Offline processing of a MIDI file with MIDI->MIDI translators
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Joystick as Outgoing Action
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Joystick as Incoming Action
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Change volume levels with Windows Mixer:
Status: accepted for the Pro edition

Start programs or scripts as Outgoing Action
Status: available since version 1.6.2

Multi MIDI port functionality
Every Translator Entry can listen on/send to particular MIDI port(s).
Status: available since version 1.6.2

cut/copy/paste of rules
Status: available since version 1.6.2

Change preset to a variable, e.g.: change to the pp'th preset
Status: available since 1.6

Mouse movements/clicks as Outgoing Action
Status: available since 1.6 (Pro/Author/Player)

Allow multiple short messages as incoming messages (especially NRPN/RPN).
Status: available since 1.5

Function to reload list of MIDI devices
Status: available since 1.5

Add list of MIDI devices to context menu of tray icon
Status: available since 1.5

Pro: Delayed/Repeated Outgoing Actions (Timers)
Status: available since 1.5 (Pro/Author/Player)

Pro: Keystroke as Incoming Action:
Status: available since 1.5 (Pro/Author/Player)

Pro: Conditionals/Assignments/Mathematical Expressions:
Status: available since 1.5 (Pro/Author/Player)

Change current Preset in MIDI Translator as Outgoing Action
Status: available since v1.40

Regarding "Midi Translator Pro/Author/Player", and how to request a feature, see How to get pre-release versions and feature rush service.