2012-12-31 07:39:33
Is there anybody that can help me get MT going to control faders in dp8 and back to the GS-r24. I will pay for templates or help with this issue. DP8 allows for Hui emulation but no control over banks of 8. So 1-8 controls 9-16 and 17-24 simultaneously. Another words, when you push up fader 1 it controls 9 and 17 as well. Fader 2 controls Fader 2, 10 and 18 simultaneously and on and on. I need Fader 1 to 1, fader 2 to 2 thru 24 to 24.
I live in Virginia. Will pay for help on this.
2013-01-07 23:17:03
You mean on the physical controller, faders 1-8 control the virtual faders of 1-8, 9-16 etc?
2013-01-08 06:05:17
Yes It is the same reaction in either direction. The GS-R24 to daw or daw to GS-R24. Fader 1 controls Fader 9 and Fade17 when it should only control fader 1. Same with Fader 2. Fader 2 controls fader 10 and fader 18. This is the same with 3,4,5,6,7and 8.
Another way to look at it is, all three banks of 8 are tied together and I want them to be independent. (example) Fader one controls only fader 1 . Fader 2 only controls fader 2 and on and on up to Fader 24 controls only fader 24.
2013-01-08 06:10:22
Let me clarify your question further. The physical console is doing this behaviour to the daw and If i reverse it, the daw or virtual fader as you put it will contol three physical faders. Example...push up virtual fader number 1 in Daw and physical faders number 1,9 and 17 move up on the physical mixer.
2013-01-09 06:03:54
I am going to need to see the MIDI information DP is sending for each channel so we can try and parse it. Can you put together a MT file with each of the 24 channels signals recorded into their own translators, and each of the 24 channel strips of the controller in its own translator?
2013-01-09 11:57:33
I don't even know where to start. i do have the program loaded and have tried to get it all working but I am in need of a manual with the basics...I have a basic knowledge of midi but thats where it stops. Can you point me in a direction of a tutorial and i will try to get this working so I can submit what you ask
2013-01-09 14:10:27
Alright. What I want you to do is connect the software to MT through MIDI drivers and create a preset. Right click on that preset and set the default MIDI ports to be the software MIDI drivers.
Create a translator for each fader and record the incoming signal. The outgoing signal is not important.
Connect the hardware to MT.
Do the same thing with a new preset and a bank of translators.
That make sense?