2013-02-27 22:56:04
I have been using Bome, rather crudely, to translate midi control change into velocity to control a lighting desk (GrandMA) via an iPad TouchOSC remote I made. The desk only reads velocity and note on/off information.
Would I be able to use conditional rules to control an encoder? By this I mean that if the encoder was control change of a note, Channel 1, 0 -127, could I set a rule that looked at the last received signal and compared it to the present one - If the signals were ascending output the note on message, Channel 1, D, for example, if the signal was descending output the message for note on, Channel 1 E, for example? In other words, spot the direction of the encoder and transmitted one of two notes accordingly.
I had a look through previous posts but could not find any suggestions as to whether this is possible or how to define the rule.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Would I be able to use conditional rules to control an encoder? By this I mean that if the encoder was control change of a note, Channel 1, 0 -127, could I set a rule that looked at the last received signal and compared it to the present one - If the signals were ascending output the note on message, Channel 1, D, for example, if the signal was descending output the message for note on, Channel 1 E, for example? In other words, spot the direction of the encoder and transmitted one of two notes accordingly.
I had a look through previous posts but could not find any suggestions as to whether this is possible or how to define the rule.
Any help would be greatly appreciated