CC to note conversion


2013-05-11 21:13:12

I just purchased the Pro version yesterday and have a few fun hours with it this afternoon. However, I would appreciate any hints as to how best to achieve my target.

My aim is to have a spare Launchpad run as a VU meter to reflect 8 channels from Live. I have installed midiVU which translates the VU signal to a continuous cc stream.
I want to have the top five pads in each column represent a rough VU.

In simple terms;
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 0 - No pad lit
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 1-29 - 1st pad lit (midi note and velocity)
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 30-59 - 1st and 2nd pad lit
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 60-89 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd pad lit
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 90-120 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th pad lit
Midi Channel 1, Controller 1, value 120-127 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th pad lit

I have been able to get partial success with the first two pads, one Translator for each, but the remaining 3 seem to pick up the values of the second pad. I am obviously getting something right in my rules, by frustratingly not everything and I can't work out what have done differently for the 3rd, 4th and 5th pads rules.

I hope this makes sense. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how best to achieve this please?


2013-05-12 00:46:44

I worked it out, I had to switch the order of the rules. :D