How to create a translator table for 2 devices

Mike Aparicio

2013-07-14 19:42:15

I need to translate two keyboards (diferent MIDI devices).
How do I do that?
I see only a MAIN selection for a single device.
Can I launch 2 instances of the Translator or can I switch Translator tables depending on the device?

Forgive my ignorance on the subject. I am a newbie to this excellent concept! :oops:



2013-07-15 00:28:01

Hi Mike

I'm not 100% sure I know what you want.

You can translate as many devices as you want a time. To start, create two different presets. In Preset 1 go to Properties and set your Default Input Port as your keyboard and the Output port as the Virtual MT Port that will go to your software.

In Preset 2 set your Default Input Port to your second keyboard and do the same for your output port as above.

Put all of your translators for Keyboard 1 in Preset 1, and all translators for Keyboard 2 in Preset 2.

That make sense?

Mike Aparicio

2013-07-15 18:10:28

Thanks Jared, but I cannot find any menu entry for PROPERTIES!

I created a .bmtp with three presets in it for a test.

To select INPUT and OUTPUT devices I only see the top menu where it reads MidiIn and MidiOut.

While having selected the first preset I assigned MidiIn to Yoke1 and MidiOut to yoke2 (Midi Yoke virtual patches)

Selecting the second Preset I go again and change MidiIn to yoke3 and MidiOut to yoke4.

Going back to preset 1 I find In and Out remain at yoke 3 and 4.

In other words: I can only set ONE device to MidiIn and another to MidiOut and they remain for ALL presets in table.

What is I am doing wrong? :roll:


Mike Aparicio

2013-07-15 18:20:28


It seems I am using an old version of the program! V1.61
Checking the latest manual I see there are options for individual selection of devices per preset.
I will have to download the latest trial and check again!

I apologize for the confusion!



2013-07-15 18:22:39

Not a problem at all. Let me know if you have any further issues :)