Novation Launchpad Mouse Control Help?


2013-08-22 00:07:35

Hello, I am using Midi Translator to allow me to be more creative with my launchpad. Something I've been struggling to find after a countless number of searches is mouse control.

I'd like to be able to have a few launchpad buttons control the mouse. I've come up with something but it's not quite what I want...

Example: I'd press a pad and the mouse would move up 25 mickeys and no more. In order to move it up again, I'd have to press the pad again.

I'd like to be able to press and hold the pad and when the pad is held, the mouse will continue move in the given direction until I release the pad. I don't know if this is possible so I thought I'd try and get some help on the forum. If I can get this mouse control it will fix all my problems :lol:

Thanks in advance.


2013-08-22 19:27:04

Hi Kioser

What you want to do is definitely possible using Timers. You will need to create two timers and use the Mouse Movement command to get this to work. As a caveat, since I am at my day job and don't have Bome MT in front of me I can't guarantee I remember how the Mouse commands are set up. The premise is still the same, though. What we are going to do is set a timer that activates when we press the button. That timer will tell the mouse to move every time it triggers. When we release the button the timer will disengage.

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Mouse Up Button Press
Incoming Message: 90 00 7F
Rules: None
Outgoing Signal: Timer Move Mouse Up 0ms delay repeat infinite every 1ms

Translator 2: Mouse Up button Release
Incoming Message: 90 00 00
Rules: None
Outgoing Signal: Timer Move Mouse Up Kill

Translator 3: Move Mouse Up
Incoming Signal: Timer Move Mouse Up
Rules: none
Outgoing Signal: Mouse Movement Up
I would play with the resolution, both the speed of the timer's repetition and the Mickeys the mouse will move to get the speed and accuracy you're looking for. You'd need one for each button. If you want you can add a Rule on each button press and release so the mouse can only move in one direction at a time.

That all make sense?