problems on Martin M-PC


2013-10-15 13:25:53

I've trying to control Martin M-PC with Softstep and MT (program change). I also control Foobar2000 (key stroke) in the same setup.

I got it to work a couple of times, but I had some problems with "can't open midiport, too low memory", so when dealing with that I went confused on which midiports to use, and now I can't get it to work again (M-PC). As I remember I used SSCOM for midi in, and maybe bome's virtual as out, but I'm not sure. Controlling Foobar2000 works fine.

Anyone that can help me?


2013-10-16 04:31:13

Hi snorhyvel

I have run into problems like this when a device is active in another application when MT opens. I would recommend disconnecting all ports from all applications you're using MIDI for and reconnecting them. Also make sure you aren't using the same Bome Virtual Port in multiple applications as this can cause feedback loops.

If you want to control Martin M-PC with Softstep using MT in between that should be simple. In MT activate Softstep's MIDI driver IN and OUT as well as Bome Virtual MIDI Port 1 Out and 2 In. In Martin M-PC use Virtual Port 1 for the Input and Virtual Port 2 as the output. That should allow you to send and receive MIDI from the Softstep to M-PC and then back from M-PC back to MT to get feedback in the Softstep.

Make sense?


2013-10-17 13:58:53

yes thanks. it seems that the order in wich I start the applications matters. I have to start M-PC first as it uses midi virtual port, and after that foobar.