Uh I forgot that I asked you about this... sorry for delay!
I will try to explain this as clear as possible.
In Live, I have a MIDI track, that I want to use it to play my Moog Slim Phatty, like a MIDI sequence. But I want to avoid the MIDI note on/off command that Live is sending from this MIDI clip. Usually all MIDI clips/ notes in Live are sending standard MIDI note on/off, duration and velocity. Note on/off are usually note on, pitch info, duration, note off. I would like to send just pitch info and duration. This "duration" is actually dependent on note on and off, so forget about it.
In other words, I would like to get something like pitch information or bitch bend info with normal notes that have filtered note on/off info.
I would like to route this MIDI track out from Live to MT, than filter out the note on/off messages in MT and send it to Moog. With this I would avoid triggering the envelopes on Moog, but still play the pitch of the oscillators.
Why I want to do that?
I want that moog's pitch is automatically played by Live, but envelopes of VCA and VCF are played manually by trigger on drummer's bass drum. This trigger is analog control over note on/off, that I want to filter it out from Live.
With this concept, the drummer would play the rhythm of the synth, but the pitch would be played by Live.
This works with pitch bend cc, but this info has limited range and is really hard to find the right pitch bend that is in tune. This works, because bitch bend has no note on/off commands.
Hope that this was clear enough