Version History
Restorator 2018
- support for icons with embedded PNG images
- Improved toolbar and icon display (thanks to Azza for working on this)
- easier String management: display string resources in just one resource
- limited support for 64-bit exe files (amd64, ia64)
- bugfix: handle 4 color bitmap resources (but cannot display them)
- bugfix: DlgItemTemplateEx has 32-bit ID and not only 16-bit
- bugfix: non-extended menus can have popup flags separated without comma
- bugfix: committing version resource multiple times would corrupt version resource
- bugfix: assigning from command line to a selected resource will not use it, but create a new one based on the filename
- bugfix: on save, cleanly remove an authenticate signature instead of rendering it defunct
- new command line parameter:
-extract <resource> <file> [extract a resource to file] - Improved command line parameters, specify as many operations at once.
- added new command line parameter: -extract
- removed explorer context menu (too many problems with wrong associations)
- fix display of 4-bit compressed Bitmap images (build 1791)
- fix version resource editing (build 1792)
- fix file viewer (build 1792)
- remove black bar on top of images (build 1792)
- fix freeze when deleting resource folder (build 1793)
- fix ResPatcher (build 1793)
Restorator 2007
New features:
- Improved command line parameters, specify as many operations at once.
See the command line parameters in the reference manual for more info. - support for 64-bit exe files (amd64, ia64)
- easier String management: display string resources in just one resource
- support for Vista-style icons
Bug fixes and new features in Version 2007 Update 2 (July 2007):
- new command line parameters for version resource editing:
See the reference manual for more info. - new command line parameter to add/replace manifest from command line with parameter
- option to show absolute offset (file offset) in hex viewer
- bugfix: access violation when deleting string resource
- bugfix: copy/paste/drag’n’drop of cursor resources caused "corrupt resource"
- bugfix: when running as user with limited rights, the exe association could be accidentally overwritten.
See the forum thread for more info.
Bug fixes in Version 2007 Update 1 (February 2007):
- bugfix: Find Resources: when searching for a specific file extension, nothing is found
- bugfix: Find Resources: when searching in .rc files, error messages are displayed
- bugfix: in dialog resources, static controls with numeric text will not be parsed correctly
- bugfix: remember setting for using UPX packer
- bugfix: dialog resources without final padding are marked corrupt
- improve transparent display of PNG images
- bugfix: fix display of color depth for PNG images
- bugfix: some VIsta icons are not handled correctly
- bugfix: do not ask for folder if dragging or dropping resources
- bugfix: when adding bitmap resources from the command line, the type may be interpreted wrongly
Bug fixes in Version 2007:
- display icons and images in dialogs
- create default resources for new/added empty items (Version, Menu, Dialog, String)
- version editor: buttons to add a new version key and to delete keys
- allow to drag’n’drop multiple files (not only one) for assigning them
- added option to settings: select codepage for Unicode-to-8bit conversion
- added option to settings: have Restorator window always on top
- added option to settings: save Delphi/C++ Builder forms in old ANSI format
if Delphi3 or earlier, force temporary setting of compatibility mode - added option to settings: to ask for folder for Extract/Assign All Resources
- when extracting/assigning resources with an “Open File” dialog, the
last used folder is remembered - when importing strings, do not overwrite existing strings in the same block.
- in RES files, new resource items are inserted in alphabetical order
- fixed handling of �x00 characters in strings
- allow dialog RC resources with omitted text in control statements
- fixed RC parsing of empty STRINGTABLE and DIALOG statements
- fixed PE optional header handling with fewer than 16 data directories
- fixed IAE when deleting empty numbered resource
- fixed display of OS/2-type bitmaps
- fixed writing corrupt exe file (dvstreamer2.exe)
- fixed PE section header if rawdata includes padding after the resource section
Restorator 2006
Bug fixes:
- fix italics flag in DialogEx resources in RC mode
New features:
- extended RC file support: open RC files in left resource list.
See RC Files in the reference manual for more info. - opening multiple files with one OpenFileDialog
Bug fixes:
- fix MBCS support
- allow icons with > 255 pixels
- allow double quotes in RC files as an escaped quote sign
- some other minor fixes
Restorator 2005
Minor new features in Restorator 2005 Update 1:
- option to not show the splash screen
- added -infile and -outfile parameters to ResPatcher
Bug fixes:
- display bitmaps in .dll/.exe dialogs
- fix persistence of maximized window state
- prevent double SEPARATOR entry in MENUITEM declaration
- remove erronous display of SaveAs dialog in batch mode with -assignall parameter
- always run a batch process with -batchClose in an own instance
New Features and Bug Fixes in Restorator 2005
Main new functions:
- version editor
- new internal text editor:
- shows line numbers
- undo/redo
- support for UPX compressed files
- new look
- support for new resource types:
- PNG images
- GIF images
- XML, HTML and Manifest resources
- Delphi PackageInfo
- new tool to add an XP manifest
- Many new keyboard shortcuts
Minor new features in Restorator 2005:
- set font in resource viewer
- reduce explicit unicode (like #234) in Delphi RCData (option Convert Delphi Unicode string)
- support for .res files in Search In Files
- allow overwriting read-only files
- allow to paste arbitrary files on user-defined resources
- when adding resources, the tree will be opened to show the new resource
- when a delphi resource cannot be saved, the cursor is positioned
at the error line - Resource Viewer: added edit menu for copy/paste/etc.
- new look of settings dialog
- new option: allow multiple instances of Restorator
- new option: choose from 3 different internal text editors
- remember position/size of menu and dialog preview window
- updated dialog editor to add XP styles
- new icon and cursor viewer: show all icons/cursors at once
- add link to msdn in rc help texts
- remember cursor position in edit fields
- do not reset resource tree when saving
- save data that is appended to exe files (e.g. for Flash files)
- better support for usage with keyboard (many more keyboard shortcuts)
- back/forward keys/mouse buttons in file browser
- added support for the context menu key
- option to not mark modified resources (the small arrows) (not available in trial version)
- enable editing of the code page
- allow editing of the version resource also in trial version
Bug fixes in Restorator 2005:
- bug fix: problem when removing caption of edit field in dialog editor
- bug fix: non-quoted CLASS names
- bug fix: WAVE and AIFF playback
- bug fix: store width of resource tree
- bug fix: orphaned res viewer when cancelling Force File at Restart when closing Restorator with opened files
- bug fix: infinite “Do you want to Commit changes…” question when collapsing the Resource Tree and pressing Cancel
- bug fix: status bar displays information about last opened resource even after closing file.
- bug fix: Access violation in Res File|Save each resource
- bug fix: correct state of “Fixed System Font” and “Shell Font” in dialog editor
- bug fix: error message when saving exe files with a zero-sized pe section
- bug fix: Access violation on some computers when trial version is over
- bug fix: fixed parsing of corrupt .res files
- bug fix: parsing of rc menu files with an additional attribute for the POP statement
- bug fix: blank res viewer after deleting an item from the res viewer
- bug fix: handle PE sections with uninitialized data correctly
- bug fix: POPUP ID in MENUEX resources does not disappear anymore
- bug fix: tool tips are not shown, even if enabled in the settings
- bug fix: enforce that the name of String resources must be numeric
- bug fix: overwriting w/out backup does not work
- bug fix: ability to grab resources with backslash in name (like msinfo32.dll)
- bug fix: accelerator editing (if ANSI accelerator <32, was not displayed correctly)
Restorator 2007
New Features and Bug Fixes in Restorator 2004
Main new functions:
- new improved user interface
- graphical dialog editor
- add/delete/rename resources
- more compatible with Delphi resources
- creates more compliant files
- reference manual
- batch parameters for Restorator and ResPatchers
- highlighting of searched text
Bug fixes in Restorator 2004:
- cleaner extension type management
- allow editing of dcr files
- saving res or dcr files doesn’t change the name by default
- rename-in-place of items in res/dcr files (F2)
- “save as” is now always allowed for res _and_ dcr files
- text recognition for RCData and html types
- save all as a certain type
- Easy adding of a file to a res file: just drop it on it.
(file type is recognized automatically). This works the same for assigning now. - When extracting Delphi forms, icons are now better detected
- When extracting Delphi forms, included files are referenced with relative path
- Property dialog for files: added “Target Platform” info
- icon overlay for newly created resources
- added parameter -assignall and -batchclose
- fixed bug when sorting is handled differently in certain locales
- Fixed editing big RCData resources (Message “Text exceeds memo capacity”)
- fixed GPF when loading thousands of files
- “save only changed resources to res file” now also includes resources
that have been changed in previous sessions. - fixed bug when �01 appeared in a string resource
- fixed bug for non-separator empty menu items
- fixed abort of Find In Resources Dialog with “Corrupt Resource” message
for encrypted/compressed exe files. - improved internal architecture of ResPatchers
- New mode for saving resource folders: a dialog pops up and the user can
make detailed decisions how the output file(s) will be - fixed bug in Dialog rc editing
- changed GUI to a 2-window layout
- Resource Viewer cannot be made a toolwindow anymore
- added “default view mode” button
- file view mode is now one revolving button
- “New->res” file and “New->.dcr” menu and tool button
- changed name to Restorator 2004, version to 3.00
- remove proverbs in splash screen
- moved “Configure Tools” entry as last entry in menu
- type description includes “raw data” if no parsed/understood format
- save width of list columns in resource viewer for exe/folder display
- add GIF image file format to Find dialog
- GIF display of dimensions and color depth
- Property Dialog remembers position
- improved UNICODE searching on Windows NT/2000/XP (non case-sensitive)
- activated case-sensitive searching
- highlight/select the found text in text or hex display
- added “Language…” menu item to change the language of a resource or resource tree
- added FAQ menu item
- possibility to cancel changing to another resource when edits were made in edit (ab) mode
- in edit (ab) mode: F8 does not let the cursor jump to the beginning
- if an error occurs with F8 in edit (ab) mode, the cursor jumps to the error line
- Ctrl-A selects all
- moved bookmark menu in Browser menu
- moved Extract/Assign menus in context menu
- Added “Save” function
- remodeled help menu
- modified meaning of “ab” button: it is independent of the view mode buttons now
- allow overwriting version resource (still disabled in demo version)
- fixed bug: in dialogs, edit text shows “y” as text
- improved compatibility of dialog display. Now all dialogs are displayed.
- fixed problem where the Grab Resources tool would hang
- nicer display of progress in Find Resources and Grab Resources tools
- Dialog Editor